Go Red for Women

Circle of Red

Circle of Red

Go Red For Women’s Circle of Red is a is a powerful, passionate group of people dedicated to making an impact in our community’s fight against heart disease.

As part of the Circle of Red, members are invited to attend exclusive gatherings to hear first-hand what their dollars are doing to make a difference. The Circle of Red is a great place to build professional relationships and gain personal long-lasting friendships.

Circle of Red members donate a minimum personal gift of $250, annually to support the Go Red For Women movement and serve as ambassadors for the cause.

If you are interested in joining the Circle of Red, please contact Brenda Schmidt at 952-278-7925 or email Brenda.Schmidt@heart.org.


Special thanks to the following donors who
have already made a generous commitment.

Kate Poehling, Circle of Red Chair

Mary Prahler

Teresa Mears

Barb Binsfeld

Nancy Reider

Kathy Gholson

Sue Durtsche

Lori Werner

Heidi Grau

Dr. Mary Morris

Leslie Peickert Kroker

Kris Kastner

Carol Ludlow

Sue Price

Heidi Griminger Blanke

Nancy Haggerty

Tom and Ann Monson Family Fund of the
La Crosse Community Foundation



Macy's and CVS

Media Sponsors