Go Red for Women

What is Go Red For Women?

Go Red For Women is the American Heart Association’s national campaign to increase awareness of heart disease — the leading cause of death for women — and to inspire women to take charge  of their heart health.  The grassroots campaign has since grown into a vibrant national movement as  more women, men, celebrities, healthcare professionals and politicians embrace and elevate the cause of women and heart disease.  The year-long campaign provides women of all generations with tips and information on healthy eating, exercise and risk factor reduction, such as smoking cessation, weight maintenance, blood pressure control and blood cholesterol management. 

Go Red For Women has four components:

  • Public education to increase awareness that heart disease is the #1 killer of women 

  • Educating healthcare professionals to assure that providers treat women according to guidelines 

  • Educating lawmakers about this issue 

  • Raising funds for women’s awareness, education and research programs

Please visit goredforwomen.org for more information on Go Red For Women & the work of the American Heart Association